Boils & Ghouls - Welcome to The Etsy Massacre Team's Bloodspot! Cemetary resting place to the Etsy Massacre Team. The first team on Etsy created for artists who make horror movie inspired items!! If it's not gorey, creepy, scary, undead, monsterous, or bloody you won't find it here. We are a team of artists whose art is so awesome it will scare ya! Here at our Bloodspot you will find a complete list of our massacre members and their shops. This is also the place to come to get updates on what our massacre members are slaughtering up and what sales they are dieing to share with you! So make sure to follow this page and spread the gore!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Ghoullery Feature: Hell Has No Fury Like A Woman Scorned

I am excited to announce our second Etsy Massacre Team - Ghoullery Feature!!

What better time to announce it than Friday the 13th week and what better month than Women In Horror Month.

This feature actually really goes hand and hand with Women in Horror month. We decided to focus our theme on powerful women you would fear if you crossed paths with them. Women that if you tried to hurt them you would have hell to pay.

With that our theme is "Hell Has No Fury Like A Woman Scorned"

We asked our team members to share their favorite items in their shop that fall into our theme and put together a killer feature for all of you!

You can check out the feature here: http://etsymassacre.blogspot.com/p/ghoullery-feature.html

Make sure to share this link with fellow horror fans who appreciate the dark arts! Also don't forget to bookmark the page as we plan to do a lot more of these features for you in the future!

Your Creepy Captain,
Living Dead Girl Nicole

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